Category - Academics

You can only learn so much from reading. Get a closer look at what academic life is like at Illinois from people who have actually been there! From honors programs and research to specific classes and projects, our students have lots of experiences to share.

Should I Drop My Class?

You’re nearly halfway through your first semester of college, and you’re feeling stuck. Whether you keep skipping the class because a midday nap seems so much better, or you just can’t award the brain space to this Econ...

Professors Are People Too!

So you’ve just started your year here at the University of Illinois, and it’s not going as you planned. That calc class isn’t as easy as it was in high school or suddenly studying just doesn’t seem like it’s enough...

What a Class at Illinois Is Like

Before I came to college, one of the things I wondered about the most was how my learning experience would change. I couldn’t imagine moving from classes of 20-30 to 700, but the change was a lot more seamless...