Author - Maaz

Making the Most of Time

You’re awake. Whatever pleasant dream (or lack thereof) you were in seconds ago has faded, and you’re now back in reality. Instantaneously, a thought enters your mind. Depending on what’s going on in...

Fun Hobbies

What occupies your time? When we have the choice of choosing what to do with our time away from the stresses of everyday commitments, the temptation to sit back, relax, and go on gazing at the TV is difficult to resist...


When it comes to innate ability, we all differ in what makes us special; it would be fair to argue that none of us are special because we are each unique in our own way, and so if everyone is so immensely special in...

Becoming a Doer

The capacity for growth within the human being is massive; it is not uncommon for us to find ourselves marveling at the achievements of others, be it through something shared with us or something we’ve witnessed...

The Benefits of Being a Tutor

When does the learned become the learner? The space between knowing and not knowing is dynamic; it shifts with each lesson learned and each moment spent teaching. The benefits of being a tutor are staggering, and yet so...

Sacrifice & Goals

When it comes to completing a difficult project, we tend to grow anxious as the deadline, be it self-imposed or a commitment to another body, approaches. We grow fearful that the quality of our work is sub-standard. We...

Building Strong Study Habits

Studying isn’t learning, unless you do it right. If you’ve ever heard someone talk about studying, it tends to come before they mention an exam. Studying has become something that too many of us dread; it...


What defines dedication? Is it any different from hard work? Is it born within some people and lacking in others? Can it be learned and mastered? When you have a particular goal in mind, more often than not one that...